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Senin, 26 Juli 2010


Hello people! Visit Pancreas Cancer to search all information about health. Including cancers and ways to prevent or even heal them!!!Pancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas Cancer

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How to prevent cancers?

How to prevent cancers? There are so many ways of it. Just go to Pancreas Cancer and you'll find complete information of the ways to prevent cancersPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas Cancer

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Pancreas Cancer

Are you looking for information about kinds of cancers. Here is the link to search the correct information. It's Pancreas Cancer

Is has all of information that you need!!!Pancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas Cancer

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The danger of cancers

Cancers are dangerous. There are so many ways to prevent or even heal them. If you are looking for the steps and the ways, you come to the right place. Visit Pancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas Cancer

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Pancreas Cancer

I've just made an awesome website. It's called Pancreas Cancer It's all about information about health. Pancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas CancerPancreas Cancer

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Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Complet ewebsite

You guys want to know all information about cancers? I've just found an awesome website go to cancer website . It's an awesome website with lots of posts and complete information about all kinds of cancers. You must check it out.

Kalian mau tahu tentang semua informasi tentang kanker? Kunjungi website kanker

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Cara cepat menaikan PageRank dengan Backlinks

Loh? Apa sih Pagerank tuh maksudnya? Kalo para pakar sih pasti dah tahu apa itu pej reng (pagerank) dink. Kasarnya, itu biar simbah Gugel memandang halaman blog/situs kita lebih terhormat gitu.

Jadi waktu ada yang nyari sesuatu lewat google search, situs/website kita bisa muncul dengan posisi terhormat (halaman depan/top/atas pencarian google). Gitu lah singkatnya. Lalu gimana cara cepat menaikkan pagerank itu sendiri?? Langsung aja dah, gini caranya dengan tips menambah backlink brada:

Caranya gampang.. taruh URL dibawah ini di blog brada atau dipostingan blog brada! Sebenarnya cara ini sudah sering digunakan tapi ga da salahnya to digunakan lagi klo emg ada manfaatnya. Ya to?? Hehehe….

1. Cara Membuat Situs
2. Bibir Sakti Membawa Berkah
3. MultiMedia and Software
4. Asuransi
5. SEO Master
6. Kumpulan Penggemar Blog
7. seomacan
8. tenaga dalam
9. facebook
10. Kanker

Cara Kerja:
Sebelum brada meletakkan link brada diatas, brada harus menghapus peserta nomor 10 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 1 jadi nomor 2, nomor 2 jadi 3, dst. Kemudian masukkan link brada sendiri di bagian paling atas (nomor 1).

Jadi buat daftar diatas, yang dihapus adalah itu. Lalu pindahkan satu-satu kebawah dari no. 9 ke nomor 10, nomor 8 ke nomor 9, dan seterusnya, hingga nomor 1 ke nomor 2, dan letakkan url (alamat website) brada pada nomor 1!! Jelas kan?
Jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah

Ketika posisi brada 1, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 10, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang brada inginkan. Dari sisi SEO brada sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline brada mengklik link itu, juga membuat blog brada mendapatkan traffik tambahan. (bayangin backlink sebanyak itu… Hehehehe…

Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 10 lalu tambahkan link blog/website brada di posisi 1. Ingat, brada harus mulai dari posisi 1 agar hasilnya maksimal. Ini yang aku bilang mesti JUJUR! Karena jika brada tiba2 di posisi 2, maka link brada akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10.

Apa ini berhasil mas Admin?? Tanya aja lah atau cek sendiri pada pakar2 sono kalo ga percaya… Selamat mencoba……

Tips ini aku peroleh dari

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Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

There are many different ways to go about making a website--using an HTML, PHP or a WYSIWYG editor or a site builder, but the basic website for a company should always have a couple essential elements. You might ask yourself, "How do I know what I need to build the basic website for my company?" The answer is simple: read these steps.

Create the basic layout of the content. To optimize your keyword placement and search engine spidering, you should organize your content in a pyramid form with 3 tiers. Each tier should have links up to the previous tiers, many keywords in the first paragraph and clear, relevant content.

Create a professional look and feel. This will be the general format and color scheme for all of your pages. Keep the color palette simple, use only about 2 or 3 main colors and throw in extra color only for very emphasized points. Decide on which colors you will use, basing them around any existing logos you may have.

Begin filling out the content. Once you have a design and a layout chosen, it is time to provide visitors with information. Go through the next steps one at a time to make sure you include everything.

Tell them your name and what you do. Display your company name prominently, both on your logo and title and somewhere in your introduction. The introduction should be like a mission statement. It should tell visitors why you are excited to be doing what you are doing and why they should be excited as well.

List your services. Once you've promised your readers that you offer an outstanding product or service, tell them specifically what services you offer. It's a good idea to confine each category to its own page; for example, if you are a computer store, you would have separate pages for your products, your services and your history, with more links to more specific information from each category page.

Provide a brief history and information about your company. A short, colorful biography about how your company was founded and operates helps humanize your business to visitors. It lets them know that there are people behind the logo.

Provide detailed contact information. Create a page dedicated to contacting your company that is separate from the page where visitors purchase products. Here, you should list your telephone and fax numbers, the email address of the Web master as well as customer support, a map to your physical store, mailing address and business hours.

Create a footer. A footer will be included at the bottom of each page. This can include copyright information as well as an abbreviated version of your contact page.

Preview and publish. Once you've created the basic elements of your page, look over it to make sure everything looks neat and professional and then upload it for the world to see.


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How to Choose a Computer

Choosing a computer doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it can be an enjoyable experience. Here are the ways to choose the best computer:

Decide between a laptop or a desktop. If you're the kind of person who travels frequently, or if it is to be used at work or on the couch at home, needing the information and programs it has, then you are going to need a laptop. Otherwise, it is best to stick with a desktop.

Think about what you need in a computer. If you are a gamer, you are going to want more video RAM and a high-end processor with excellent cooling capabilities. It should also have extra ports for game controllers and upgrades. If you are a business person, you will need a good wireless Internet connection, a strong processor and good amount of RAM.

Decide on a brand. In truth, almost all brands are good, and they get their parts from the same sources. What you should look for is something that fits your budget, from a company that has a reputation for good post-sale service.


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How to Buy an iPad

One of the hottest gadgets on the market today is the Apple iPad, a revolutionary tablet computer that's easy to use and more convenient than a bulky laptop. This article will offer tips on what options you have purchasing and setting up your iPad.

Visit Apple's website and learn as much as you can about the iPad. Do you really need all of the features encased within the iPad, or would a smaller iPod Touch work better? Do you need 3G network coverage, or standard WiFi? Can you afford all of these perks, or just the device itself? Wage these options and decide on which iPad would suit your needs best.

Decide on what the primary use of your iPad will be. Do you plan on using it for leisure (games, browsing the web, reading iBooks), or for business only (email, banking, etc.)? This step is very important, as you can determine what features will work best for your lifestyle, but using it for both purposes is perfectly fine as well.

Once you've read up on the iPad and decided on buying it, go out for the purchase. There are currently three ways you can order an iPad:
* In-store: Visit an Apple Store location near you and tell a salesperson you'd like to purchase an iPad;
* Over the phone: Call Apple's Customer Service telephone line (1-800-MY-APPLE);
* On Apple's website: Order direct from Apple's website and have your iPad, as well as any other accessories, shipped directly to your door (via FedEx in the United States).

Consider the technical specifications. There are currently three levels of storage space on Apple's iPads, which are the following:
* 16 Gigabyte ($499 USD): The least expensive model; adequate for home or limited use, as well as storing apps and music.
* 32 Gigabyte ($599 USD): The moderatley-priced model; good for storing lots of apps (shorthand for applications), music, and several movies.
* 64 Gigabyte ($699 USD): The highest priced model, but offers a generous amount of storage space for apps, music, videos, movies, iBooks, etc.

Choose between a WiFi model or one with 3G coverage. The only difference between these two models is the latter can access the Internet anywhere coverage is available, while users of the WiFi models can only browse the web where Internet access is attainable. The 3G models are supported by AT&T Wireless, and are adequate for frequent travelers, but require a $30.00 monthly charge for Internet coverage.

Lastly, add on any accessories. While the iPad comes with a charger and USB cable, you can choose from a leather case (see above photo), charger extension cord, headphones, etc.

Once you've purchased your iPad or have it delivered, carefully unbox it and connect it to Apple's iTunes. This will register the device into your computer and allow you to synchronize songs, apps, movies, photos, etc. from iTunes to your iPad.

Enjoy your new iPad! Browse the web, view photos, listen to music, play games, watch movies, and appreciate the enhanced and enlarged screen size!


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Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

How to Keep Your Laptop from Overheating

Many laptops overheat because the fan on the bottom is blocked, and the hard drive then quickly fails. By following this simple step, you can keep your laptop cool and happy.

Put a small book or item (like the docking station for your iPod) under your computer's battery when sitting at your desk. This slight tilt allows a lot more air to flow under the laptop, keeping it significantly cooler.

If a book doesn't help, you can try something more ugly. Try sticking four sockets from an egg tray on four corners of your laptop. Either you can stick them with a sticky tape/masking tape or use hook and loop tape for flexible design.

Buy a laptop cooling mat. There are many brands to choose from (Thermaltake, Xion, Targus) and are available at computer stores like Best Buy or online from

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How to Make Your Laptop Last Longer

Laptops are used frequently, mis-used often, and expensive to replace. The following instructions will help ensure your laptop lasts as long as you have a use for it.

1. Purchase a luggage tag to attach to the carrying case with your name in it (no flap that covers the name).

Attach something unique to the carrying case (to prevent someone else from mistaking your case for theirs).

Label all parts of the laptop with your name and put a sticky address label on the top of the laptop, inside, under the keyboard, both parts of the power cord, CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/Floppy drives, and a USB drive.

Safety and Care

* Be cautious about leaving the laptop unattended anywhere that there is a chance it could easily be knocked onto the floor, sat on, or stepped on.
* Know that dropping, jostling, or bumping will cause damage to the hard drive (if the computer is turned on).
* Do not place drinks next to the computer. One accidental spill onto the keyboard will damage it, probably beyond repair.
* Always hold the laptop by the bottom (keyboard half), never the screen. Use two hands.
* Correctly remove the wireless card (if applicable) before transporting.
* Do not store the laptop where very cold or very hot.
* Do not place the laptop close to any electrical appliance, because it generates a magnetic field.

Screen/Body of Laptop

* Never twist the screen on its hinges (it could crack the screen.)
* Do not ever scratch or push on the screen.
* Never close the lid when a pencil or pen is left on the keyboard (it could crack the screen.)
* Don't slam the lid down (it might damage screen or hinges).
* Always transport the laptop in a padded carry case, and never stack items on the lid of the laptop.
* Stickers leave a residue that can cause permanent damage.
* Clean the screen with a lint-free cloth; Do not use Window Cleaner the ammonia will dull the screen. Use a screen cleaner from a computer supply store.

Electrical Cord

* Be careful when removing the power cord. Yanking it out of the laptop from a distance will cause damage.
* Do not wrap the cord tightly around itself. Instead, loosely wrap it in a figure eight pattern.
* Never turn the laptop over when it is plugged in. This could break the adapter plug at the back of the laptop.


* Be careful when removing disks from drives. Small pieces are easy to snap off if you are not careful.
* Do not use damaged floppy disks!
* Remove disks from CD-ROM drive or floppy drive before carrying.

Software related

* Uptime. Unix-like operating systems such as BSD and Linux have the longest uptime. Research and compare uptime records yourself.
* Downloaded software and screensavers often cause conflicts and use valuable memory. Remember that the laptop is a tool for learning and keeping it free of extras will keep it working quicker with less freezing.
* Always back up all files in at least two places.
* Virus protection is very important.
* Beware of Spyware. It is the latest computer security problem. Spyware is software designed to collect computer users' personal data without their knowledge. Spyware is secretly installed with many downloaded Internet software programs, and transmits information about computer usage and generates pop-up advertisements. Microsoft estimates that spyware is responsible for half of all PC crashes.

Routine Laptop Maintenance

* Run Disk Cleanup and Defragmenter at least monthly. You can find this under "Accessories," listed with Programs. Start > Programs > Accessories. Be sure to turn off screen saver before performing maintenance.
* Check for disk errors at least monthly. Open "My Computer." Right click on drive C, then select Properties. Click on the Tools tab. Where you see Error Checking, click on "Check now." Select "automatically fix file system errors," and then Start. You may be prompted to restart the machine.
* Set virus protection software to download and install updates automatically and enable virus realtime protection.
* Perform weekly virus scans.
* Set your computer to automatically download any newly released Windows updates. To do this: Open the Control Panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel) and double-click “System.” Click on the Automatic Updates tab and make your selections. Most people prefer the option “Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.”
* Printing Settings (this feature sets printers to work fast, using the least amount of ink)
1. Start > Settings > Printers.
2. All printers that have been installed are shown.
3. Click on a printer to select it.
4. Right-click, and then choose Properties.
5. Click on the Setup tab, and under print quality, select draft.
6. Click on the Advanced tab, and put a check in the box by "print in grayscale." At school, we request you print in grayscale for most assignments. For special projects when you need something printed in color, you can remove the checkmark.
* Power Settings
1. Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Select the Power Management folder by double-clicking on it.
3. Select Portable/Laptop from the drop-down menu.
4. Click on the Alarms tab, and set the alarm to ring at 5%, and to shutdown at 1%.
5. Click on the Alarm Action button, and put a check mark next to Sound Alarm and Display Message.
6. Underclock it for the ultimate in longevity.

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6 steps to make famous blog

Blogs, or web logs, are one of the fastest-growing means of mass communication. Articles about blogs, a form of online public journal, have appeared in the New York Times, Time, and Newsweek. The "blogosphere" has affected elections and corporate policy, and some blogs have thousands of readers a day. Moreover, they are fun to read, and writing them can be enjoyable too. So... The steps to make famous blog are:

Choose what type of blog you want to create. Carve out a niche and pick a catchy title that captures the essence of your blog. Remember that a blog, like your clothes, is an extension of you. For most people your blog site may be the only thing they identify you with and you want to be sure that who you are on the inside is reflected in your blog.

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Decide how often you are going to post.Some claim that posting at least once every day is best; Some also say that three quick posts a day are far more effective than one long post every three days. Others claim that when they update a blog every other day they get more readers than when updating two or three entries in a single day. Whatever you do remember that for most bloggers, it's all about reading and many of them would prefer content rather than quantity. Once you get started you'll find that you attract a certain readership, and you may have to adjust how you work your journal to appease and keep the readers you've obtained.

Get some things together beforehand because some recommend putting together about a month's worth of material before you tell anyone about your blog. It is recommended that you just start writing and fame will come in time. Feel free to go back and rewrite entries to make everything just the way you want before or after you "go public." You can edit any entry at any time with most blog sites. Writing a popular blog doesn't happen overnight. The essence of the blog stems from journaling which means the blog is FOR YOU. Work it how you feel most appropriate.

Tell close friends about your blog and ask them to tell their friends. Often if you use it as another way to network with those people around you, you'll get a better response. If you push it too hard don't be surprised if they ignore your blog because they feel you're fishing for compliments and attention...remember, blogging is about you, and the more attention you put into yourself, the more people are going to notice.

Look around the Internet for blogs you love. Read and post to them religiously. Leave a note that actually has something to do with their site so that they know you actually took the time for pay attention to the material posted; do not expect anything back in return. Just commenting will cause others to be more likely to visit your and do the same. Often when you make comments to sites a link to your own personal site will already be included with your comment, unless you are posting from one hosting site to the next. If you're at ITW and you read a blog on Myspace then it would be appropriate to include such a link.

Build a network with other people in the blogosphere - make friends online. This is the best way to get readers and a great way to meet people you would otherwise never know. If you get one thing from blogging, this will be it.

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Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Free Trend Micro Internet Security 2010 1 year license key

Who does not know about Trend Micro Internet Security 2010?????? That antivirus program is so famous and is so respected for its awesome features in preventing viruses, spyware, adware, and spyware to infect your PC
Key Features of Trend Micro Internet Security 2010:

* Anti-virus engine protects your PC against viruses, worms, Trojan horse apps and more online threats
Anti-spyware technology to safeguard your personal information and privacy against spyware, adware, rootkits and so forth
* Anti-spam technology to detect, block email and image spam
* Personal firewall defends against attacks from the Internet
* Prevents unauthorized changes to your applications
* Stops online phishing scams that try to steal your personal information like credit card or bank account numbers
* Blocks untrustworthy hyperlinks in email, websites and instant messages
* Enhanced parental controls block websites with inappropriate content based on specific categories
* Limit online time and duration for your children
* Automatically prevent suspicious application on USB devices from opening

Now, Who wants the genuine key??? Here it goes...

1. Download the internet security program in the official website.
2. Go back to this website.
3. Copy this key: pfeo-9996-0691-8113-9527 (OEM version)
4. Copy it when the installation asks for the key.
5. It's done!!!
6. Visit this website again to get other free license keys!
7. Give comments!!!

Good luck

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Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Free Virtual Machine

Who knows about VIRTUAL MACHINE? I think most of you know that, it is a software that allows you to have another OS in your computer without installing it on your computer. So, as it comes from its name, it is virtual. So, you just install the OS that you want on the Virtual Machine. By using this software, you can just save your computers from viruses and hang. Because you can just try new software that you want on the virtual machine! How amazing is that!

One of the Virtual Machine programs is VMware Player. It is a player, not a virtual machine creator. So, you must make your own virtual machine, for example you can make it in here. So all of the things that you need to use the VMware Player are:
- Your OS CD/DVD or ISO files.
- Your VMware Player
- Your quite fast computer
- Your time
- Your virtual machine made here

Then, to use the software, you only need to open the VMware after installing it. After you open it try to press Open Virtual Machine. Then choose your virtual machine, and the next steps just follow the guide from the software!

Good Luck!

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Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

Your computer works so slow? Glary Utilities is the answer!!!

Your computer works so slow? The answer is Glary Utilities! To download this software just go here. Now, how to make your computer works faster with this awesome program? Here are the steps

1. Install the program.
2. Restart your computer.
3. Open your Glary Utilities.
4. Press Modules tab
5. Then choose Optimize& Improve
6. Choose Registry defrag (NB:Do not open any application while Glary Utilities defrags your registry.
7. Wait for a while, it might take about 5 minutes.
8. After the defragment is finished, restart your computer.
9. THEN, FEEL your faster computer!!!

NB: This application is 100% FREE!!!

Don't forget to buy software and musics @ through the advertisements in this blog!!!

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Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

IPOD Touch 32 GB for $269.99!!!

Who wants to buy an IPOD Touch that is super cool??? You guys come to the right place!!! Just open the advertisement about the IPOD TOUCH 32GB or 8GB 2nd generation that has the IPHONE OS 3.1 installed in the bottom and you can buy an IPOD TOUCH 32GB and 8GB form AMAZON.COM that is famous for online shopping.

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Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Making blogs and websites famous with Hits2u

I just tried this awesome program to make our blogs and websites famous. It is free. You can submit your websites here, then you will feel so many visitors visit your websites each day. So, How it works?

There are some levels in this program. You can get 0.50 dollars when you reached level 7. You will find out millions of visitors come to your blogs or websites each day! How awesome!!!

So just go here and submit your blogs or websites to make them famous!!!

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Viral Marketing – One Million Visitors To Your Web-Site

One Million visitors for your website.

  This article explains how you can attract one million visitors to your website through the power of viral Marketing using a proven free method. If you doubt this, grab a calculator and check the maths.

  Viral Marketing is a very powerful way to get visitors to your website. If you follow the 3 easy steps explained at the base of this article, you will attract millions of visitors to your website, it is simple.

You may have the best website, business idea, product or service on the planet, but unless potential customers find your website, you will fail to capitalize on your idea. If you were able to attract one million visitors to your website, your business will become a success. As you attract more visitors, so your page rank will improve to be more easily found by the search engines.

  How Viral Marketing works.

  See the power of viral Marketing through the following guide.

  If 10 people visit your website and sign up to this program, and 10 people sign up to those 10 people and so on, you create a viral effect.

  Level 1 – 10

  Level 2 – 10 x 10 = 100

  Level 3 – 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000

  Level 4 – 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10000

  Level 5 - 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 100,000

  Level 6 – 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000,000

Total people downline from you 1,111,110. As more people click through to your website, your page rank improves and your site is indexed by the major search engines, so the effect is self-perpetuating, and like a virus can grow exponentially. All you have to do is pass go to start the process rolling.

  How the Traffic Digger Program Works.

  After free sign up here to the program, you receive a link to a free website that details your website details on position one.

  When someone signs up for Traffic Digger through your website, your website details are moved to the second position on their Traffic Digger website. Now people under you promote the line and you end up with thousands of potential visitors.

  Traffic Digger claim to have a 10% conversion rate. This means that for every 100 people who see the Traffic Digger program on your website, 10 will probably sign up to also get traffic. This conversion rate is fairly typical in affiliate marketing, for every 9 people that think about making money through the Internet, only around 10% are made of the right stuff, so we hope that you are made of the right stuff!

  Don’t have a website and want to get started with affiliate marketing?

  If you do not have a website and would like to make money through affiliate marketing, I recommend the Hovercraft Affiliate Program for the following reasons.

  1/. They provide a free website

  2/. Hovercraft are a niche product, in demand, and there are few people making them. Commission is very good, over $500 per sale.

  3/. To become a hovercraft affiliate, visit

  Want to get even more visitors?

  By copying and publishing this article and advertising Traffic Digger, more people will become aware of this powerful facility. Add your website details to this article and publish the article online, copyright free.

  One way to get 20 sign-ups is to copy and paste this article and resubmit it to article submission websites with your website link instead of mine. This article will typically attract 200 plus readers per submission, so with a 10% conversion rate, you should achieve 20 sign ups per article published. Ok, so submit the article to 10 sites and get 200 at first level, how does this affect the maths?

  If 200 people visit your website and sign up to this program, and 10 people sign up to those 10 people and so on, you create a mega viral effect.

  Level 1 – 200

  Level 2 – 200 x 10 = 2000

  Level 3 – 2000 x 10 x 10 = 200,000

  Level 4 – 200,000 x 10 x 10 x 10 = already my calculator has trouble with this many digits!

  Total people downline from you – millions!

  Step 1. Visit Click on the FREE Visitors for your website banner to get to the Traffic Digger sign-up facility.

  Step 2. Sign up to the Traffic Digger program by pressing here and get your own Free Visitors banner for your website. Place this is a highly visible position top right if possible.

  Step 3. Copy and edit this article to replace the website link in step 3 with your website link. By telling other people about this great program, you will attract more visitors to your website and get more people quickly signed up below you, to attract even more visitors. Publish this article to as many article submission websites as you can.

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How to make your blogs/websites famous

The easiest way to make your blogs/websites famous is by joining traffic digger. It is FREE. You can follow this awesome program by clicking the advertisement of traffic digger in the bottom of this website or the right side of this website. So, how it works?

This is how the system works:

When you signed up, you will get a replicated website with your ad at the 1st position, and ad at current 1st position will be moved to 2nd position, current 2nd to 3rd, and so on. Ad at current 7th position won't be shown anymore.

When you advertised your Traffic Digger website and someone signed up from your link, their ad will be at the 1st position, and yours will be moved to 2nd position. Your ad will be listed in every Traffic Digger website from your downlines up until 6 levels deep. With 6 levels viral marketing like this, you can imagine how much traffic you will get from Traffic Digger.

How Many FREE Visitors Can You Get?

The answes is: unlimited. This system works well in the internet and nothing can stop it. It's viral and exponential.

That's the main benefit of this type of internet marketing.

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Who doesn't know about GLEE?! It is one of the most famous singers groups in the world. Everyday, there are millions and millions people watch the movies of GLEE. For you that are interested to download, just press the advertisement on the bottom of this post!

It is SAFE, because you are going to download the video in

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Hitman Pro 3.5: A unique awesome antivirus

Just read while researching about new antivirus programs. HITMAN PRO 3.5!!! It is an awesome antivirus program that combines several antivirus engines such as GData, NOD32, Avira, PrevX and A-Squared. For the trial version, it allows you to use free scanning forever and virus removal for 30 days. To download

press here

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Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Google Chrome: The best web browser

Google Chrome is kind of new, but it has been the best web browser ever. People say that it is faster than firefox, opera, and safari. It claims that it is the safest web browser. When I read a website about the fastest web browser, the website says that hackers cannot pass through google chrome. Some of the key features of this awesome web browser are:

2. Extremely safe
3. NICE user interface
4. Simple appearance
6. Really light on system resource
7. recommended by AVAST
8. etc

It is a good action to use this web browser. Press here to download

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Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Piriform Defraggler

I just tried this program and it is awesome, it speeds up my computer and can defrag my file so that recover my harddisk space. It claims that it defrags our computers when our computers are in sleep mode.

The best of the best thing of this program that it is free! it is made by piriform and that is also the creator of Ccleaner that is already famous in this world. Some of the key features are:
- Speeds up your computer
- Can recover your harddisk's space
- Nice user interface
- Really easy to use
- Defrags while the computers are in sleep mode
- And other awesome key features

To download, press here

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Senin, 10 Mei 2010

GROWURL, the best way to make your blog/website popular

Many people ask, How to make our blogs/ websites becomes famous? The best answer is by using the growurl from

This website will make your website famous instantly by posting your website in hundred of posts. How to use it?

1. Make your ID in
2. Click earn free credits.
3. You can earn credits by referring to friends, reviewing, uploading file form, etc.
4. Then, check your credits in and when you get the credits, use it for posting your websites in hundred of posts!
5. Done! That's it. It is that simple

Good luck!!!

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Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

AVG free antivirus: The most famous free antivirus

Who doesn't know about AVG Free Edition? The answer is no one!!! All of use know what is AVG. It is one of the developed companies in the sector of antivirus companies. This company gives the free version of its program and it is really awesome, even though today's AVG is not as good in the past. However,

AVG free edition is still a good program to use. It claims that 100 million people use AVG antivirus now.

The latest version of AVG Free Antivirus is AVG 9. It is lighter and scans faster than the old generation. Some of the key features of this program are:
- Nice user interface
- Really easy to use
- Quite light on system resource
- Good detection rate
- antivirus
- antispyware
- antirootkit
- antiadware
- Link scanner
- File scanner
- etc

It is just an awesome program to use. It is free so everyone can use this any time. For you that are interested go here

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Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

My Blog

Hello people! To know more about this website in traffic digger, just go here

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Kamis, 06 Mei 2010


Congratulations for all of you!!! All of you successfully make this website becomes more famous so that other people can read the useful information from this website. CONGRATULATIONS. However, all of you can help more by making reviews in ALEXA. For you that are interested to help, please click the button Alexa near the top and then you need to make reviews about this website. PLEASE HELP US TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE!

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Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Advanced System Care FREE

I always use Advanced System Care Free on all of my computers. It is just an awesome program that will speed up your computers. It cleans your registry, clean junk files, prevent spyware on your computers,sweep your privacy, and other awesome features that will be long if I discuss it now. Some key features of this programs are:

2. Speed up your computer
3. Nice GUI
4. Really light on system resource
5. Includes cleaner, defragmenter, spyware removal, etc.
6. Speed up your internet connection
7. RAM optimization
8. Game booster
9. And other awesome features

If you guys that are interested to try this program go here. By using this program, we can say "BYE" to errors, freezes, and hangs. We will feel the feeling of new computers again.

Don't forget to give comments!

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Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Rocket Dock, the shortcut of shortcut

You want to make your life simpler and easier when you are using your computers? Just use rocket dock! It is an awesome program that will make your life simpler and easier. It is the shortcut of shortcut. This program looks like Mac's toolbar but it is quite different.

You can insert many shortcuts in it and you can just drag and drop there. You can set the size of the icons and you can set the position of the dock. Also, you can set the appearance and the quality of the icons. The best thing of it is that it is FREE!!!!

For you guys that are interested go here

Don't forget to give comments!

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Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Prevx Safeonline free genuine license key

There is a promo from prevx, you guys can own prevx safeonline for free!!! It is an awesome program that will protect you when surfing, banking, shopping in the internet, etc. Some of the key features of this program are:
- antimalware (includes antivirus, antispyware, etc)
- really light
- really fast in detecting new malware
- can detect viruses that are missed by norton, mcafee, etc
- nice GUI

Now, how to get the genuine license key of prevx safeonline from Prevx itself??? Here is the way:

1. Log in to your facbook.
2. Search in the search box, Prevx Safeonline
3. Become the fan.
4. It will go to the site to download.
5. Press "Get Safeonline Now"
6. Then, download the program and it is full version and genuine!!!

Don't forget to give comments and press the SU button in this post!!!

Good luck

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Drivesentry Free Antivirus

This is just a new free antivirus program. Its name is Drivesentry, as we know from the name that is drive it will just protect our devices. This program has a big definition of viruses. It can detect more than 2 million viruses and include the blacklist and whitelist technology to decide the good programs and the bad programs. Some of the key features of this program are:

2. Really light on system resource
3. Really nice and simple GUI
4. Good detection rate
5. Easy to use
6. Real-time protection
7. Protect your devices
8. Protect your files specifically.
9. Has the technology zero-day protection
10. Has the technology blacklist and whitelist
11. and other awesome features

For you that are interested and want to download go here

Good luck!!!

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Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Prevx free antivirus

Prevx free antivirus is just a really light free antivirus. It is good to be a second layer antivirus. It includes antimalware that can detect viruses, spyware, etc.

Some key features of this program are:
- antimalware (includes antivirus, antispyware, antiadware, etc)
- Nice GUI
- compacts to other antivirus programs
- really light

For you guys that are interested and want to download go here

Don't forget to give comments and if you guys like this press the SU button in this post.

Good luck

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Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

ClamAV powered by Immunet free antivirus

There is a new light and awesome free antivirus program called ClamAV antivirus powered by Immunet. It is an awesome program, this really light program has the definition of ClamAV antivirus.

Some key features of this awesome program are:
- Really really light on system resource.
- Good detection rate
- good GUI
- Simple
- scans extremely fast
- monitors all of programs that are being installed on your computers.
- Real-time protection
- The best thing is that it is FREE!!!

For you guys that are interested to download this good program go here

Good luck!^^

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Rabu, 28 April 2010

The Noah's ship is founded

It's the Noah's legendary ship. All of us know the story of the Noah's ship that is really cool and awesome. Watch this video! Have fun!

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What is the fastest and the lightest free antivirus program???

A lot of people ask, what is the fastest and the lightest free antivirus program. Honestly, I am not sure about which antivirus is the fastest and the lightest. It is according to us that use it. I will just give you some antivirus programs that for me are light. Here they are:
- Avira free antivirus. This antivirus is 100% light on system resource. I've tried it and I satisified with this program.
- Avast free antivirus. This is also a light and fast antivirus. Now, I am using it, it takes only about 4 MB of system resource. IT IS REALLY LIGHT!!!
- Threatfire. This is an extremely small program that includes zero-day protection.
- Immunet free antivirus. This is a secondary layer antivirus program that is really good for your computers.
- SMADAV Local free antivirus. This is an extremely light antivirus for protection of local viruses.
-PCMAV Local free antivirus. This antivirus is realy really light antivirus program.

You can download those antivirus programs here:
- avira free antivirus: press here
- Avast free antivirus: press here
- Threatfire free antivirus: press here
- SMADAV local free antivirus: here
- PCMAV local free antivirus: here

Don't forget to give comments if you like this post!!!

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Making Review for a blog in Alexa

For all of AllReview123,let's help this website to be more famous so that all of people in this world can get latest information about technology, finance, health, etc. So, you guys can participate to make this website to be more famous by telling your friends, family, teachers, and others to open this website everyday. Also, you guys can participate by making a review about this website

Thank you for all of you are participating!!! SISA PARAGRAF SELANJUTNYA

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Senin, 26 April 2010

Immunet Free Antivirus

Last month, I just tried this awesome program. It is called Immunet Free Antivirus. This antivirus is used for second layer antivirus. This antivirus is extremely light and it is cloud-based antivirus that always connects to the server.

Immunet free antivirus has a really simple user interface. It will help you to protect your computer perfectly!!!

Some features of Immunet Free antivirus are:
- Really light on system resource
- A second layer protection that will make your first layer antivirus becomes even better
- Automatically scan all of programs that are automatically installed
- Detect all of kind of viruses, spyware, etc
- flashscan, it is a really really fast scanner.
- The best thing is that it is FREE!!!

As the official website says, this program is really good to be the second layer protection for AVG, Norton, McAfee, etc. I tried using it with avira, and this combination works really well. This combination protects my computer perfectly from all of viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, etc

If you guys are interested, press here to download

Good luck! Don't forget to give comments!

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K9 Web Protection and the Genuine License Key

K9 Web Protection is an awesome program that will protect you from cyber attacks, spyware, adware, thieves, pornography, etc. It is an awesome program to protect you perfectly while you are online! It works automatically without us turning it on first. It will automatically block the bad websites. Just today, I found the promotion from the official website of K9 Web Protection, it will give you the license key of K9 Web protection

It will allow you to have a full version of K9 Web Protection. You will get the legal version. If you want it go here

To download the K9 Web Protection press here

Don't forget to give comment if you guys like this!!

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Minggu, 25 April 2010

Comodo Internet Security Free

Comodo Internet Security Free is just an awesome program. It is a free internet security. It has complete features and complete defenses. Some of the key features are:

- antivirus
- antiviruspyware
- antiadware
- web filter
- comprehensive firewall
- really light on system resource
- Defense+
- really good-looking program
- The best part is that it is FREE!!!

As I said before, Comodo Internet Security that is free includes defense+, maybe most of you do not know this feature. This feature is just an awesome feature from Comodo Internet Security. We can add some programs that you think dangerous to the defense+ and all of those programs will be blocked or deleted. Also, you can stop all of the viruses' actions by stopping them to connect to their sources. We can stop the viruses by using defense+. Defense+ also tells us about programs that are suspected to be dangerous. Defense+ also contains other awesome features that will be really long if I discuss it here. So, than just see my review, just download the program and install it. You will get a perfect protection from Comodo Internet Security Free

If you want to download and try this program press here

Good Luck! Do not forget to make a restore point before changing anything to save your computer!!!^^

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Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Registry First Aid Free License Key Full

Who knows about Registry First Aid??? This is an awesome program that will fix and optimize your computers' registry. Now I will give you the link to get the license key of this program full!!!!

First, go here , then you can fill the information and you will get an e-mail from the website. The e-mail can go in to the spam, but it doesn't matter, just open adn press the link and you will get the key!!!

Press here to download the program

Good luck!

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Avast Free edition 5

Avast Free Edition 5. This is also another awesome antivirus software. This includes perfect and complete protection.

Avast Free edition is famous because of its perfect protection that includes all of protections. It includes:
- antivirus
- antispyware
- antiadware
- P2P protection
- Web Shield
- File Scanner
- And other key features.

This program will protect your computer perfectly without making your computer heavier. If you want to try, press

Good Luck!!!

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AVIRA Free Edition 10

Avira free edition 10 is the latest version of avira free edition. This is an extremely awesome program that will protect your system perfectly!!! There are some key featuresof this program. Here they are: The key features of this program are:
- Really high detection rate
- Really light on system resource
- Protection from viruses, spywares, adwares, etc
- compactible with other antivirus programs
- cloud scanning
- and other key features.

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The best combination of free antivirus programs

Many people ask, what is the best combination of free antivirus programs? My answer is: it is depend. It depends on how good the system resource is, how good memory you computer has and are the programs compact to each other? For the best combination ever, here are some good combinations of antivirus programs:For me that many times have changed antivirus programs, I know what are the good free antivirus programs that can even beat the paid antivirus programs. Here are some of the best combinations:

1. Avira free edition and Smadav free edition. This combination is really awesome, avira is a famous free antivirus with the ability to detect 99% of all of viruses in the the world, while smadav can detect more than 90% of all of viruses in Asia.

2. Avira free edition and avast free edition. This combination is kind of heavy but you will get a perfect defense for your computer if you this combination. Avira will secure your computer from viruses, while avast will support avira and secures your computer from spyware, adware, etc.

3. AVG free edition and Immunet Free. Even though AVG free edition is not too good now, but if you combine it with Immunet free antivirus it will protect your computer perfectly!!!

4. Avira free edition and Immunet Free. This combination also protect your computer perfectly.

5. Avast free edition and Immunet Free. This combination is also good and will consume little system resource.

6. Comodo Internet Security and Avira Free edition. These antivirus programs are famous because of their lightness. These programs can work together nicely and will protect your computer perfectly.

7. Avira free edition and Threatfire free. This combination is awesome. Threatfire will help Avira free edition to protect your computer from all of viruses.

8. Avira free edition and PCMAV. This combination will be an awesome combination to protect your computer. These programs have huge virus definition. PCMAV can protect your computer from 99.9% from all of viruses in Asia, especially in Indonesia.

Those are good combinations if free antivirus programs. If you are interested on one of those, you can download the antivirus programs in their official websites.

Good luck!!! Don't forget to make a restore point before installing anything!!!

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The best combination of free antivirus

Many people ask, what is the best combination of free antivirus programs? My answer is: it is depend. It depends on how good the system resource is, how good memory you computer has and are the programs compact to each other? For the best combination ever, here are some good combinations of antivirus programs:

For me that many times have changed antivirus programs, I know what are the good free antivirus programs that can even beat the paid antivirus programs. Here are some of the best combinations:

1. Avira free edition and Smadav free edition. This combination is really awesome, avira is a famous free antivirus with the ability to detect 99% of all of viruses in the the world, while smadav can detect more than 90% of all of viruses in Asia.

2. Avira free edition and avast free edition. This combination is kind of heavy but you will get a perfect defense for your computer if you this combination. Avira will secure your computer from viruses, while avast will support avira and secures your computer from spyware, adware, etc.

3. AVG free edition and Immunet Free. Even though AVG free edition is not too good now, but if you combine it with Immunet free antivirus it will protect your computer perfectly!!!

4. Avira free edition and Immunet Free. This combination also protect your computer perfectly.

5. Avast free edition and Immunet Free. This combination is also good and will consume little system resource.

6. Comodo Internet Security and Avira Free edition. These antivirus programs are famous because of their lightness. These programs can work together nicely and will protect your computer perfectly.

7. Avira free edition and Threatfire free. This combination is awesome. Threatfire will help Avira free edition to protect your computer from all of viruses.

8. Avira free edition and PCMAV. This combination will be an awesome combination to protect your computer. These programs have huge virus definition. PCMAV can protect your computer from 99.9% from all of viruses in Asia, especially in Indonesia.

Those are good combinations if free antivirus programs. If you are interested on one of those, you can download the antivirus programs in their official websites.

Good luck!!! Don't forget to make a restore point before installing anything!!!

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Kamis, 22 April 2010

Make your blog/website famous with

Using is one of many ways to make your websites or blogs become famous. There are some key things that make is really ideal for us to use. links our websites or blogs to other websites. It makes more people will come to our websites. Soon, your websites or blogs will be really famous.

There are several ways to get points in They are
1. Referring a friend to register, or
2. Put logo in your website, or
3. Put Mini Ads in your website, or
4. Register your classified ads / directory / mailing list to us, or
5. Write a review / article about

For you that are interested to try go

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How to decrease your eyes' minus

Having eyes with the disability to see far is not nice at all. That's is why lots of doctors now improving the technology to heal this disability.

Actually, there is one easy way to decrease your eyes' minus, it is by consuming billberry. People say that billberry is good for eyes and can reduce the minus. I have tried the medicine that contains billberry. There is no disadvantage to consume billberry. Now, I can see nicer and sharper!

Good Luck!

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Forticlient End Point Security Free!!!

Today, I just tried a software called Forticlient End Point Security free. It is an awesome software that includes complete protection.

This program includes:
- antivirus and antispyware that are good
- antispam
- free firewall
- WAN optimization
- Backup and restore
- Web filter
- The good one is that it is FREE!!!
and the other useful protections.

This software is quite new in our ears. However, it claims that it has comprehensive protection that will protect our computers. So, what is the disadvantage of trying this program.

If you want to download and try it press here

Good Luck!

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arithmetic just drops out of trees

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Rabu, 21 April 2010

The fastest download manager

I have tried a really fast download manager. It is the download accelerator plus. It claims to be 400% faster. I have tried the free version that is already really awesome.

There are several good things about download accelerator plus:
- It is really really fast.
- It includes virus scanner that includes several antivirus engines such as avira, avast, etc.
- In the package it includes speedbit video accelerator and speedbit toolbar that allows you to download videos from websites by only pressing a button.
- When the downloads are disturbed or broken, the downloads are automatically paused and we can continue download next time.
- The best of the best thing of DAP plus is it is FREE!!!

For you that want to download press here

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How to increase your blog's alexa rank?

Tips to increase the rank of your blog's alexa. There 4 tips to increase your blog's alexa rank. These tips can lead you to success to increase your blog's rank. The 4 tips are:

1. Alexa Traffic
Promote people to come to your blog so that your blog's rank will be increased.

2. Alexa Toolbar
Install the alexa toolbar. It is a useful thing. By doing this you can increase your blog's rank!!!

To install it press here

3. Alexa Widget
Use alexa widget to increase your blog's rank too!

4. Alexa Blog
Write something about alexa in your blog. It will attract people to visit your blog!

Read more!

Senin, 19 April 2010


PCMAV is a famous Indonesian free antivirus. As the programs says, it can detect more than 4 000 viruses!!! how incredible!!!

PCMAV or PC Media Antivirus is one of the most famous antivirus programs in Indonesia. It's an awesome program that will protect you from most of viruses that are infecting computers in Indonesia. So, if you want to install and try how awesome it is download it in

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Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

SMADAV: an excellent local antivirus

SMADAV: an excellent local antivirus

Smadav is a famous antivirus made in Indonesia that can detect almost all of local viruses. It is an excellent antivirus for offline computers

Smadav is one of the lightest antivirus programs ever. Smadav must work together with another international antivirus like avira, avast, avg, norton, microsoft security essential, kaspersky, etc to give a perfect protection for your computer. The latest version of Smadav is the 8.0 and it can detect more than 4 000 viruses. The free version and the paid version have the same detection rate and lightness, the differences between the free and the paid are the speed of scan, the speed of update, and the themes. However, you can get the paid version by just donate your money and you'll get the full version. If you are interested go to

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Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

How to Know if You Have Spyware on Your Computer

Do you think someone is spying on your internet activity? Though Norton or McAfee might be able to locate spyware, some may be so well-written as to escape detection. In any case, downloading more software willy-nilly in an attempt to protect your computer is more likely to make things worse. Here are some steps a Microsoft Windows user can take to detect spyware activity; Macintosh OS/X, Linux, and users of other operating systems will have similar but different methods available.

1. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del (all 3 keys simultaneously, known as a "three-finger salute"). This should pop up the Task Manager, or whatever Microsoft is calling it lately. One of the tabs should be Processes; click that tab.

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1. Look up every process name on the Internet. Don't trust all the information that you find, but try to get a general consensus from the more reliable sites whether that process name is likely to be malevolent or not.
2. Even if a process name is normal and expected (like svchost.exe), it's still possible that a "hacker" was able to overwrite the normal system process with a tainted one.
3. If a process looks suspicious, for example u-r-0wn3d.exe, you will need to attempt removal. See Tips for ideas on that process.
1. Open a command window, also known as a "DOS box", by clicking Start | Run | cmd, or Start | Run | command on older systems. Type in the command: netstat -an. This will show you a list of systems you have connected to, and systems connected to you, and all "listening" ports. Learn the port numbers: 80 and 443 are typical for the "web"; 135, 139, and 445 are for Microsoft networks; find out what they all mean. If you see something suspicious, netstat -anbv might show you what process is doing the communication.

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edit Tips

* More important than any firewall or security software is your creation of a Limited account from which you do all your normal Internet activity. Only use an Administrative account to install specific software that you have downloaded from a trusted website from your Limited account.

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* All software should be considered "guilty" until proven "innocent". Some so-called "hackers" manage to get their malware onto distribution CDs of commercial software. Don't install any software unless you absolutely need it, and then do some web searches to see what other people have reported about that software.
* Once your computer has been compromised, even after you have eliminated the spyware you will have to change all your passwords to every account you access via your computer; it's better to assume the spy has all your passwords.
* The firewall is an important defense, but in many cases it will not detect the spy's uploading of data, if it is sent as an email or uploaded to a web page, since in most cases you won't want to restrict your access to email or the web.
* If a suspicious process is found, and stopping the process from the Task Manager does not visibly affect your ability to use the computer, it may be wise to attempt to quarantine the file. Locate it using Start | Search, and create a folder like C:\evil in which to store it: right-click the suspicious file, select "cut", then right-click the "evil" folder, and select "paste". If you later find it's innocuous, or even vital to the use of your computer, you can put it back where it belongs; keep a record of what goes where.
* On some systems, msconfig will help with this process, by letting you change startup options and other system configurations. If a process in StartUp has no name, or is located in \Windows\temp, it is highly suspicious.

edit Warnings

* Sometimes your firewall will flag on things such as "Windows XP is trying to update" that's okay. But if you see something you are not familiar with or looks suspicious then you can go ahead and block it. In fact, you can temporarily block anything until you know for sure if it is okay or not.
* In many cases, malicious software writers will have several alternative means of starting and reinstalling their viruses and spyware. If you don't get them all, the "evil" software will return; and in some cases it will erase your hard drive in retaliation. It's best to back up all important data to CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD before attempting spyware removal.
* There is no surefire way of detecting a compromised system; some methods are diabolically well hidden. Also, your country's government very likely has ways of monitoring all network activity (like the NSA in the United States), so it's wise to always assume someone is watching.


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How to Block Spyware

Spyware refers to software that is installed on a computer, without knowledge of the user. It can be used to track and monitor computer use to send to third parties for marketing purposes. Spyware programs can be a nuisance, as they can take up computer processing capacity, collect personal information and send pop up advertisements without permission. Through key loggers or taking screen captures or scanning hard drives, spyware can maliciously take personal information for criminal gain. There are several steps you can take to block spyware from your computer.

1.Be careful when you download. Knowing what you are downloading and from what site is an important measure when it comes to blocking spyware. Many spyware programs are downloaded unknowingly when you download other software. You should always read the End User License Agreement as sometimes spyware programs are allowed access through third party advertisements when you click to accept the software you are downloading.

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2. Avoid peer-to-peer file sharing. This is another common way for spyware to enter your computer. Peer-to-peer file sharing is risky, as the content of the other person’s computer is unknown and viruses and spyware can be spread this way. The best way to block spyware is to prevent possibilities for it to get on your computer.

3. Use add-ons on your Internet browser. Internet browsers such as Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer have add-ons that block pop up ads from appearing while you surf. This is also another important measure in preventing spyware, as clicking on pop up ads can inadvertently lead to spyware downloads on your computer.

4. Install anti-spyware software.

* Read reviews on anti-spyware software. Descriptions and user reviews are posted on many consumer reviews sites. One of the things you will want to consider in your search for an anti-spyware software is the scanning speed, which is how quickly it can scan through your entire hard drive to detect spyware and viruses. You will want to compare accuracy, which is the software’s ability to filter out legitimate programs versus actual spyware sites or programs. You will also want to know how frequently the software updates their software when there are known new spyware and virus attacks and consider the technical support offered with your anti-spyware software.
* Find freeware or shareware. There are a number of freeware and shareware sites that offer free anti-spyware. These will be more limited than commercial software programs, but can provide you with adequate protection from spyware. Make sure that the site that you downloading from is reputable.
* Buy commercial software. Alternatively, you can buy commercial anti-spyware software. Most commercial anti-spyware software is bundled with anti-virus software programs.
* Check for updates frequently. Even with anti-spyware software installed on your computer, you will want to check periodically for updates from the software manufacturer as new spyware and adware viruses are developed. These updates will protect you from the latest spyware programs.

5. Keep your operating system up to date. Keeping your computer’s operating system up-to-date is important in preventing spyware or viruses from your computer. Operating system security patches are released often from the manufacturers that can fix holes in your system that hackers and spyware can break through. Make sure that your operating system is the latest version released from the manufacturer. Most operating systems will automatically check for updates periodically.


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How to stop spam

In the Internet age, not only are you fighting junk mail in your mailbox, but you've also got exorbitant amounts of spam in your virtual inbox. Not only are they annoying, but these e-mails can introduce viruses and spyware into your computer. While there are several different ways to combat spam, here's a start.

1. Stop posting your e-mail address on a public forum or website. It is estimated that 95% of all junk e-mail is caused by a person publicly disclosing his or her e-mail address. There are many robots and scripts that automatically scan websites for e-mail addresses. Also, sometimes humans actually grab e-mails off websites to use them for sign-up offers in order to get free stuff (iPods, Ringtones,Televisions, etc.). If you must provide contact information, try writing it out in creative ways such as Me ~at~ yahoo ~dotcom~. There are alternative ways of displaying your email address while making it hard for spambots to harvest it. Such methods include using image picture of your email address or using Javascript to dynamic construct the display of your email.

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2. Avoid:

* Popular newsgroups - robots often scour these lists for addresses
* Software like BonzaiBuddy or similar programs - if these companies don’t immediately sell your information to a spam company, they are subsidiaries of spam companies themselves and the software is spyware
* Chat rooms like Yahoo Chat or IRC - spammers or spambots are actively mining in popular chat rooms like AOL and Yahoo chats, where e-mail addresses can be correctly guessed just by adding the to the username of a chat room visitor

3. Use spam blocking tools. Most webmail providers offer them, or you can download one.

* Use the "This is spam" button if your email provider has one. This submits the email to their spam-control people who can take care of business and improve their anti-spam filters.
* If you have a Yahoo! account you can use their discardable addresses method
* Use Spam Gourmet, or others like it, with any email account
* If you are using MS Outlook, try installing a spam filtering plugin, for example SpamAid
* Use the 'Block' list and add the spammer's domain name only. (However, this may not be that effective, since spammers normally only use temporary addresses.)
* Limit incoming e-mails to those in your address book and have all others put into a "Junk" folder, which you can skim through quickly and clear regularly.

4. Report spam. Before you delete your spam, forward your spam to: as this is the Spam box for FTC (Federal Trade Commission). Mail sent to this box is investigated. If it is indeed spam, the original sender can be charge $500 per email. The more mail they get from different users but same spammer, the more it's likely to be investigated.

5. Be crafty when filling out forms that ask for your e-mail address. Many web forms ask only for your name and email address. Put in a series of letters such as Swseqw for your name. Then set up a filter so emails from that newsletter or form will arrive in a separate folder if the email contains that fake name. If that e-mail turns out to be spam, set your mail program to delete all e-mails that come in with the fake name.

6. Use disposable addresses to identify and shake off sources of spam. Have one main account, and never, ever give this address to anyone, even your friends, who all they need to do is send you an innocent e-card to get you on a spam mailing list.

* Make a separate account for different purposes (one for friends, one for entertainment sites, one for your financial websites, etc.) If you use a lot, write down which is which so you don't forget.
* Set all those addresses to forward the mail to your main account so that you don't have to check multiple accounts.
* If you start receiving spam through one of your alternates, you can trace it to one of your disposable addresses and simply delete that account.
* Track which groups of recipients return the most spam and be more selective.


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How to Become a Hacker

There is a community, a shared culture, of expert programmers and networking wizards that traces its history back through decades to the first time-sharing minicomputers and the earliest ARPAnet experiments. The members of this culture originated the term ‘hacker’.

There is another group of people who loudly call themselves hackers, but aren't. These are people who get a kick out of breaking into computers and phreaking the phone system. Real hackers call these people ‘crackers’ and want nothing to do with them. Real hackers object that being able to break security doesn't make you a hacker any more than being able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive engineer.

There are people who apply the true hacker attitude to other things, like electronics or music — but in the rest of this article we will focus the skills and attitudes of software hackers, and the traditions of the shared culture that originated the term ‘hacker’.

# Adopt the mindset of a hacker. Hackers solve problems and build things, and they believe in freedom and voluntary mutual help. To be accepted as a hacker, you have to behave as though you have this kind of attitude yourself. And to behave as though you have the attitude, you have to really believe the attitude. So, if you want to be a hacker, repeat the following things until you believe them:

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* The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved. Successful athletes get their motivation from a kind of physical delight in making their bodies perform, in pushing themselves past their own physical limits. Similarly, you have to get a basic thrill from solving problems, sharpening your skills, and exercising your intelligence.
* No problem should ever have to be solved twice. The thinking time of other hackers is precious — so much so that it's almost a moral duty for you to share information, solve problems and then give the solutions away just so other hackers can solve new problems instead of having to perpetually re-address old ones.
* Boredom and drudgery are evil. When hackers are bored or have to drudge at stupid repetitive work, they aren't doing what only they can do — solve new problems. To behave like a hacker, you have to want to automate away the boring bits as much as possible.
* Freedom is good. The authoritarian attitude has to be fought wherever you find it, lest it smother you and other hackers. Not all authority figures are authoritarian, however; authoritarians thrive on censorship and secrecy. And they distrust voluntary cooperation and information-sharing.
* Attitude is no substitute for competence. Hackers won't let posers waste their time, but they worship competence — especially competence at hacking, but competence at anything is valued. Competence at demanding skills that few can master is especially good, and competence at demanding skills that involve mental acuteness, craft, and concentration is best.

Learn how to program. The best way to learn is to read some stuff written by masters of the form, write some things yourself, read a lot more, write a little more, read a lot more, write some more, and repeat until your writing begins to develop the kind of strength and economy you see in your models. To be a real hacker, however, you need to get to the point where you can learn a new language in days by relating what's in the manual to what you already know. This means you should learn several very different languages. Besides being the most important hacking languages, the following represent very different approaches to programming, and each will educate you in valuable ways.

* Python is a good language to start off with because it's cleanly designed, well documented, and relatively kind to beginners. Despite being a good first language, it is not just a toy; it is very powerful and flexible and well suited for large projects. Java is an alternative, but its value as a first programming language has been questioned.[1]
* If you get into serious programming, you will have to learn C, the core language of Unix (C++ is very closely related to C; if you know one, learning the other will not be difficult). C is very efficient with your machine's resources, but will soak up huge amounts of your time on debugging and is often avoided for that reason (unless machine efficiency is essential).
* Perl is worth learning for practical reasons; it's very widely used for active web pages and system administration, so that even if you never write Perl you should learn to read it. Many people use Perl to avoid C programming on jobs that don't require C's machine efficiency.
* LISP is worth learning for a different reason — the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it. That experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use LISP itself a lot. You can get some beginning experience with LISP fairly easily by writing and modifying editing modes for the Emacs text editor, or Script-Fu plugins for the GIMP.

Get one of the open-source Unixes and learn to use and run it. Unix is the operating system of the Internet. While you can learn to use the Internet without knowing Unix, you can't be an Internet hacker without understanding Unix. For this reason, the hacker culture today is pretty strongly Unix-centered. So, bring up a Unix (like Linux but there are other ways and yes, you can run both Linux and Microsoft Windows on the same machine). Learn it. Run it. Tinker with it. Talk to the Internet with it. Read the code. Modify the code.

* There are other operating systems in the world besides Unix. But they're distributed in binary — you can't read the code, and you can't modify it. Trying to learn to hack on a Microsoft Windows machine or under any other closed-source system is like trying to learn to dance while wearing a body cast. Under Mac OS X it's possible, but only part of the system is open source — you're likely to hit a lot of walls, and you have to be careful not to develop the bad habit of depending on Apple's proprietary code.
* Download Linux online[2] or (better idea) find a local Linux user group to help you with installation.
* While other distros have their own areas of strength, Ubuntu is far and away the most accessible to Linux newbies.
* A good way to dip your toes in the water is to boot up what Linux fans call a live CD, a distribution that runs entirely off a CD without having to modify your hard disk. This will be slow, because CDs are slow, but it's a way to get a look at the possibilities without having to do anything drastic.

Learn how to use the World Wide Web and write HTML. Most of the things the hacker culture has built do their work out of sight, helping run factories and offices and universities without any obvious impact on how non-hackers live. The Web is the one big exception, the huge shiny hacker toy that even politicians admit has changed the world. For this reason alone (and a lot of other good ones as well) you need to learn how to work the Web. This doesn't just mean learning how to drive a browser (anyone can do that), but learning how to write HTML, the Web's markup language. If you don't know how to program, writing HTML will teach you some mental habits that will help you learn. So build a home page. Try to stick to XHTML, which is a cleaner language than classic HTML.
If you don't have functional English, learn it. English is the working language of the hacker culture and the Internet, and you will need to know it to function in the hacker community. Translations of technical books written in English are often unsatisfactory (when they get done at all). Being a native English-speaker does not guarantee that you have language skills good enough to function as a hacker. If your writing is semi-literate, ungrammatical, and riddled with misspellings, many hackers will tend to ignore you. While sloppy writing does not invariably mean sloppy thinking, the correlation is strong. If you can't yet write competently, learn to.
Earn respect as a hacker. Like most cultures without a money economy, hackerdom runs on reputation. You're trying to solve interesting problems, but how interesting they are, and whether your solutions are really good, is something that only your technical peers or superiors are normally equipped to judge. This is why you aren't really a hacker until other hackers consistently call you one. Specifically, hackerdom is what anthropologists call a gift culture. You gain status and reputation in it not by dominating other people, nor by being beautiful, nor by having things other people want, but rather by giving things away: your time, your creativity, and the results of your skill.

* Write open-source software. Write programs that other hackers think are fun or useful, and give the program sources away to the whole hacker culture to use. Hackerdom's most revered demigods are people who have written large, capable programs that met a widespread need and given them away, so that now everyone uses them.
* Help test and debug open-source software. Any open-source author who's thinking will tell you that good beta-testers (who know how to describe symptoms clearly, localize problems well, can tolerate bugs in a quickie release, and are willing to apply a few simple diagnostic routines) are worth their weight in rubies. Try to find a program under development that you're interested in and be a good beta-tester. There's a natural progression from helping test programs to helping debug them to helping modify them. You'll learn a lot this way, and generate good karma with people who will help you later on.
* Publish useful information. Another good thing is to collect and filter useful and interesting information into web pages or documents like Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists, and make those generally available. Maintainers of major technical FAQs get almost as much respect as open-source authors.
* Help keep the infrastructure working. The hacker culture (and the engineering development of the Internet, for that matter) is run by volunteers. There's a lot of necessary but unglamorous work that needs done to keep it going — administering mailing lists, moderating newsgroups, maintaining large software archive sites, developing RFCs and other technical standards. People who do this sort of thing well get a lot of respect, because everybody knows these jobs are huge time sinks and not as much fun as playing with code. Doing them shows dedication.
* Serve the hacker culture itself. This is not something you'll be positioned to do until you've been around for while and become well-known for one of the four previous items. The hacker culture doesn't have leaders, exactly, but it does have culture heroes and tribal elders and historians and spokespeople. When you've been in the trenches long enough, you may grow into one of these. Beware: hackers distrust blatant ego in their tribal elders, so visibly reaching for this kind of fame is dangerous. Rather than striving for it, you have to sort of position yourself so it drops in your lap, and then be modest and gracious about your status.


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